New Release date, time, what to expect, and more

Oshi no Ko chapter 126 is set to be released on Thursday, September 21, at 12 a.m. JST. Following the end of the Oshi no Ko -interlude- manga, the main story is set to return after a one-week break. Fans can read the manga series on Shueisha's MANGA Plus app or by getting hold of Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine.

The previous chapter was an extra one that revealed why Ruby Hoshino was insecure about her hair. Given that she lost all her hair as Sarina, she wanted long hair. Thus, when Aqua asked her to tie it up, she felt bad. Nevertheless, Aqua made it up to her by drying her hair after she had her bath.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Oshi no Ko manga.

Ichigo may help Miyako in Oshi no Ko chapter 126

Release date and time, where to read

Miyako and Ichigo Saitou as seen in Oshi No Ko manga (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi no Ko chapter 126 will be released on Wednesday, September 20, for most fans worldwide. As for people in Japan, the upcoming manga chapter will be released on Thursday, September 21, at 12 a.m. JST. The release date and timing for the same will subsequently change depending on the time zone.

The upcoming Oshi no Ko chapter 126 will be released internationally at the following times:

  • Pacific Standard Time: 7 a.m., Wednesday, September 20
  • Central Standard Time: 9 a.m., Wednesday, September 20
  • Eastern Standard Time: 10 a.m., Wednesday, September 20
  • British Standard Time: 3 p.m., Wednesday, September 20
  • Central European Time: 4 p.m., Wednesday, September 20
  • Indian Standard Time: 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 20
  • Philippine Standard Time: 11 p.m., Wednesday, September 20
  • Australian Central Standard Time: 12:30 a.m., Thursday, September 21

On Shueisha's MANGA Plus app, fans can access chapter 126 of Oshi no Ko. The application allows fans to access chapters of a manga series. However, one should be aware that they can only access a particular chapter once.

The only other option for fans of the manga is to purchase Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine.

Recap of Oshi no Ko -interlude- chapter 4

Ruby and Aqua as seen in Oshi No Ko manga (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi no Ko -interlude- chapter 4 saw Aqua Hoshino notice that Ruby's hair had become silkier. Upon hearing it, Ruby was happy and described her hair care treatment. However, Aqua did not care for it and asked Ruby to tie her inside the house to avoid it being a bother. It hurt Ruby as she insulted Aqua and cried in her room.

Aqua then remembered that Sarina wanted to have long hair but lost it all due to her medical treatment. It made Aqua feel bad, as he acted very insensitively toward Ruby. Later, Aqua tried to make up for Ruby by helping her dry her hair using a hairdryer.

What to expect from Oshi no Ko chapter 126?

Ichigo Saitou as seen in Oshi No Ko manga (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi no Ko chapter 126 may see Ichigo Saitou rejoin Strawberry Productions and help Miyako decide Ruby Hoshino's work schedule. After Miyako expressed her feelings toward Ichigo in the last chapter, the former president was bound to respond to her emotions.

While there is a good chance of him getting back together with Miyako, the chances of him becoming the company's president again seem low.

Additionally, the manga could give fans some updates on Aqua and Ruby's new relationship dynamics.

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