Roblox Brookhaven RP has some hidden places that players can use to just disappear and listen to the music of their choice. With free Roblox codes provided by the creators, players can get more songs and have some alone time in the hidden areas. This feature is the best if players want to play hide and seek. The places aren't too difficult to access, and players only need to follow the easy instructions.
Roblox Brookhaven is a famous roleplaying game on the Roblox gaming platform created by Wolfpaq. In Roblox Brookhaven, players may socialize and roleplay with strangers and friends while purchasing and residing in their own homes, racing cool cars, and touring the city. Roblox has many simulator games where players can experience someone else's life.
Go into the Cleaners building. Take a look behind the wall. Descend the steps. Walk into the room on the left. Select the dangling light by clicking on it. Uncover the hidden underground base by entering through the trap door.
Follow a small passage from the hidden underground base to the lock box. Place the bombs right outside the door. Take all of the money and run.
Keep an eye out for the Arcade Arena. Players will reach the birthday section after heading upstairs.
From the main door, enter the hospital. To get into the hole in the ceiling on the top right-hand side, use a ladder.
Once players are in the cemetery, all they need to do is fall into the grave. That's all there is to it.
Go to the location of the drones in the mountain. Anyone can go to the cave by riding one of the drones available.
There is an abandoned house just behind the airport and between the two trees. Players can simply get into it.
Inside a modern house, walk up the stairs and to the left, find a room. Enter the space. Squeeze the avatar into a smaller size. Jump from the table to the interior of the wall. Players can also find another hiding spot by jumping on the wall at the top of the fridge.
Go upstairs into the modern house. Enter the bedroom. All players need to do is move forward towards hiding inside.
Get out of the modern home. Conceal inside the wall by climbing up the wall with any ladder players might find.
Go to the children's playroom in the Modern House. Hide behind the pantry cabinet.
Players must enter the dark, scary house. Squeeze the avatar's size to make it smaller. It can hide in any of the boxes.
Take a leap into the box. Hide behind a wall. It’s simple.
Pass through the hole in the wall beneath the stairwell. Ascend the stairs and enter the front room. Another hidden wall can be found near the stairwell.
Enter the Scary house. Make your way to the backyard. Hide behind the shrubs that surround the graves.
Enter the spooky mansion. Go to the children's room. Then, jump up to the top bunk of the kids' bunk bed.
Squeeze the avatar's size down to 0.5 and approach the house from the garage. Since this is a secret place, use the ladder to reach up the garage gate.
To get to the kitchen, take the stairs next to the garage. Hide in the Oven if you don't want to be found.
Using the elevator, get to the dressing room. Hide in the cupboards passing through the wall.
Using the elevator, get to the top of the building.
From the front door, enter the house. Squeeze the avatar's size to make it smaller. Make your way to the bedroom, which is located on the second floor. Place the avatar in an empty area to find the hidden reading spot.
If you walk into the master bedroom bathroom, you'll notice a piece of wood next to the shower. You'll be in another part of the house after passing through it.
You'll need to take a seat near the sink and crouch down beneath it. It's a terrific place to hide because you can just sit there and observe who comes in.
Players need to make their way to the doorway, squeezing the avatar's size and slipping under the ramp.
Gamers seeking an escape into a different reality can visit Roblox Brookhaven, where they can enjoy many features like hidden locations. Everyone requires a break from reality and leave behind their stress. These games are designed to let players imagine a new world where they can be whoever they want, live in a mansion, and go wherever they want.
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