A somber atmosphere descended upon Mapleton High School during the homecoming festivities when a heartbreaking incident occurred on Friday night. Bre McKean, a senior at Mapleton High School, tragically collapsed on the football field and passed away during the homecoming celebrations, which took place during a high school football game between Mapleton and South Central.
Mapleton Local School District Superintendent Scott Smith issued a press release on Saturday afternoon, sharing the devastating news and expressing condolences:
“It is with a heavy heart that the Mapleton Local School District announces the passing of Bre McKean, a senior at Mapleton High School, on Friday, September 29, 2023, due to a medical emergency during homecoming festivities prior to the football game. Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers go out to the McKean family, friends, and the Mapleton community.”
The football game between Mapleton and South Central was played in the first half but was suspended at halftime as the news of the tragic event unfolded. Both teams and student bodies were informed of the situation, and Mapleton provided immediate support by making grief counselors and staff available.
“Grief counselors will also be available for students and staff on Monday, October 2, 2023, provided by our community partners of Appleseed Community Mental Health Center, the Ashland County Ministerial Association, and psi Associates,” added Smith.
The South Central community, as well as neighboring school districts and communities, demonstrated compassion and support during this difficult time. The scheduled homecoming dance for Saturday, September 30, was canceled, and all Mapleton athletic events were canceled through Wednesday, October 4.
Bre McKean was one of the Senior Queen candidates for this year’s homecoming festivities. She was an active member of the Mapleton volleyball team this season, playing as a middle hitter, and had previously been a member of the girls’ high school basketball team during her first three years. Her untimely passing is a profound loss to the Mapleton community, and her memory will be cherished by all who knew her.
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